How To Stay Organized in College

College is one of the most exciting times in a person's life. It's a time to explore new interests, meet new people, and make memories that will last a lifetime. But there are some things you should know before you start your college adventure: how to be organized!

Organizing may seem like an unnecessary task when it comes to your dorm room or apartment with roommates, but if you don't plan and have at least some idea of what needs to get done, then chances are everything is going to end up being chaotic and messy. Don't let that happen! Keep reading for our list of four organization hacks for college so you can be prepared during this amazing time in your life.

1.Some of the best ways to stay organized in college

It can be difficult to stay organized in college. You are constantly being bombarded with new information, and it can be overwhelming. You might feel like you're not keeping up with all the reading and studying that needs to be done. Sometimes you may feel cluttered too! That's okay, here are a few base tips to begin getting organized:

-Create a calendar for the semester that includes all due dates for assignments and tests so you know exactly when they need to be completed. This will help you manage your time more efficiently!

-Make sure each member of your household has their own designated area of responsibility - one person can take charge of cleaning the kitchen, another can take care of the bathroom, etc. This will prevent everyone from stepping on each other's toes and make sure you get the tasks done!

-Organize your closet or dresser by hanging everything up with a shoe rack or shoe organizer like this one from Amazon. It may seem like overkill at first, but it makes getting dressed in the morning so much faster!

-Lastly, try to stay organized by writing down everything you need to do for the day. It's okay if your lists are a little long; at least you'll know exactly what needs to be completed that day and won't feel overwhelmed after an entire week of school.

2. Stay prepared and on top of things with a calendar for due dates

A calendar is one of the most important tools you can have in college.  It helps you stay organized and on top of things, which will make your life a lot easier!

This will help you fill it with deadlines and remind you when assignments are due. That way, you can be sure to complete assignments on time and know when to study for a test. If you have any other responsibilities or jobs, schedule them on the calendar as well so you can keep track of how much free time you will have during the semester. If you have a busy schedule, you might find it helpful to write your assignments and due dates on the calendar as soon as they are assigned so nothing slips through the cracks.

3. Make sure each member of your household has their own designated area of responsibility

One person can take charge of cleaning the kitchen, another can take care of the bathroom, etc. Organize your closet or dresser by hanging everything up with a shoe rack or shoe organizer like this one from Amazon. This will help keep things clean and tidy! Just because it might be your first time sharing a space doesn't mean you have to live in clutter! Keep reading for some of our favorite organizational tips for a dorm room.

1) Create designated spaces: One way to stay organized in college is by assigning each roommate responsibility for one area- such as cleaning the bathroom or picking up dirty clothes off the floor. This will help everyone know what needs attention without stepping on each other's toes and will keep your place clean! For example, if you want someone else to take care of the kitchen, then designate a drawer or cabinet for their food and utensils. This will make it easy to avoid accidents and keep everyone happy.

2) Desk organization tips: A messy desk can be distracting- after all, studying requires focus! To stay organized in college, create sections on your desk for different things: one section for books, another for writing utensils, and a third for laptops or other electronics. Place everything in its proper location so you can find it when you need it!

3) Use storage bins: Storage containers are great not just for storing clothes and bedding but also for keeping everyday items organized as well. You can create designated areas on your desk

4. How to maintain organization once you've achieved it

You might be asking yourself, how do I maintain being organized? If you've been following the tips in this article, then it's all about finding a system that works for you. For example, if you find that your desk is still cluttered even after staying on top of things- maybe try to spend 10 minutes every night clearing off the surface and sorting everything into designated sections. Or if laundry piles up too quickly or dishes pile up in the sink, consider changing your habits so these tasks don't take over your day! But most importantly, don't feel discouraged if you slip up, everyone needs some time to get used to a new system.

1) Try out different organizational tools: What works for one person might not work for you, so it's important to try things out and find what suits your needs the best. For example, many people find that color-coding their clothes, books, or miscellaneous items can help keep things in order. Some people like to put a few colorful labels on their drawers so they know where everything is. No matter what you choose, make sure it makes sense for your personality and lifestyle!

2) Be realistic: If you're just starting, keep it simple! Don't feel like you have to organize everything right away- that's just setting yourself up for failure. Instead, focus your energy on the things that will make the most impact: maybe try tackling a few items in your room each week. In time, you'll start to develop better organizational habits and create a space that feels truly like "you".

3) Try targeted cleaning: If you're feeling overwhelmed with all of the things you have to do, try cleaning in small bursts instead. For example, maybe set a timer for 10 minutes and clean a single item or section (such as wiping down your desk). This will help you stay on task without getting distracted by other things.

4) Have realistic expectations: It's okay if you don't get it done perfectly the first time- in fact, expecting too much from yourself and being hard on yourself can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. Instead, be gentle with yourself and give yourself a break when you slip up!

5) Have fun: College is all about trying new things, so just enjoy the process! Maybe try decorating your desk or organizing a closet the way you want it. It might take some time, but don't rush yourself- just go at your own pace. Just keep on top of daily tasks and everything will fall into place!

When you're just starting college, it may be hard to find motivation or time to get your space organized as soon as possible. However, if you take some of the steps mentioned in this article and start small by tackling a few items each week, eventually things will fall into place! You'll learn what organizational tools work best for you and develop habits that help maintain organization without feeling overwhelmed. Remember not to set unreasonable expectations on yourself- instead focus on having fun with the process!

For more helpful tips and tricks, check out these articles too:

Best Colleges: Tips to Stay Organized

College Info: How To Stay Organized in College


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